I am a woman who is tired of being bombarded by the cosmopolitan image of female identity, of unfair politics, and media outlets that do not allow for the appreciation of individuality. My work in the past, specifically 2008 through 2009, has showcased the detrimental effects of beauty myths by utilizing traditional art forms such as painting and sculpture. I created a body of work which showcased the symbolic suffering which women bare in American society. The collection consisted of eight pieces, six of them done with acrylic paint, one in watercolor, and the last done in block printing ink. I have also critiqued and recreated offensive advertisements targeted towards female audiences through photography. This project began in January of 2011, and was completed by May of 2011.
        The world constantly inspires me, but the lens in which we as a society views it needs changing. I believe the Internet is attributing to this for the better and worse, and as a significant media outlet, I would like to better understand it. Through this I would also better like to learn how to utilize it, hoping that my work could adapt, and take on a stronger meaning.
        Having said this I know who I am, however I am not so sure who I want to become. I am familiar with other outlets of media such as photography, journalism, and traditional artistic mediums. In the future I would love to better understand film, blogging and digital art. My goal is to become a much more rounded media maker/consumer by understanding and mastering multiple outlets, especially those which pertain to creating “new media”.